Saturday, September 3, 2011

Instagram colors

Ever since I started to work, I have the feeling that my summer has pretty much schrunk to a couple of weeks of vacation, which does not happen until Mid or even End of August, usually.
When you work every day, you do not really benefit from summer days as much as you do when you are free as a student as a bird and actually have the time to do so. As a consequence, these precious 14 days are always longed for badly, especially since our yearly tradition to head off to Southern France.
Although it might seem somewhat boring to go to the same place every year (which believe me, is not when this place is Côte d'Azur, but I admit that some may think so), there is just something comforting about going to familiar cafés, markets and shops and finding the lovely things you missed the whole year because you can't get them home.

Like these.

Delicious Amorino ice-cream: they use organic eggs and fresh milk. My personal favorite is chocolate, vanilla, mango and raspberry.

Home Made ice tea with different herbs. The perfect refreshment at  a beautiful family-owned place called Volupté Anytime in Cannes.

Having already confessed my love for Compagnie de Provence products, I simply had to visit their beautiful boutique in   Rue St Francois de Paule in Nice.

Lenôtre is a very French place and offer great food for breakfast and lunch along with  a range AMAZING  desserts.
These are raspberry, chocolate, coffee eclairs. I did not eat them all. Well, almost. They also offer cooking classes which I wanted to attend, but which were unfortunately on vacation during the month of August. This did not stop me from consuming many of their sweets.

And these are simple candies. I love returning home and unpacking stuff bought on vacation - and these bring special colorful memories from yet another fabulous 2 weeks.