Saturday, January 7, 2012

Winter remedy

I don't know about you, but I seem to enjoy winter temperatures up until the holiday season ONLY. I love , when it gets a bit frosty and windy and the first snow of the year is always so exciting and often a bit melancholic. There is some sort of peacefullness and sadness about a snowy paysage - don't you find it just so calm and still?
Well, on another note, if it were for me, I would prefer the spring to welcome us with mild temperatures right after the New Year's. Unfortunately, the climate I live in does not allow for that. Instead, it's rainy, windy and just uncomfortable. The implications of this meteorologic condition are numerous - especially in the beauty department.
This is why I am sharing my current three favorites, when it comes to some of the most common symptoms, among us, girls.

1) Dry & sensitive hand skin.

I personally hate dry hands - they just make you so uncomfortable and wearing all those gloves does not help. My recent salvation is this rich yet surprisingly rapidly absorbing Resurrection Aromatique Hand Balm of Aesop - helps my hands in a very efficient way!

2) Dry & chapped lips.

Another classic one. Who does not suffer from that during winter months? Being a big lover of Diptique, my most favorite Parisian brand, I was thrilled to find this new Soothing lip balm during a recent stroll in Brussels. It makes your lips all soft and velvety! Yummy!

3) Finally - the hair.

Let's be honest, those cute little hats do help our hair to deal with damage from cold temperatures, but they do not make it pretty underneath. To prevent your hair from those frustrating moments of being statically charged or volume- and gloss-less, I highly recommend this newly discovered styling product from Shu Uemura - Liquid Fabric Mineral Texture Spray, which gives even my fine hair plenty of volume!

Winter, we are ready!

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