Saturday, July 9, 2011

It's bath time

It's been almost a year now that I have been looking for a very special accessory for a very special space in my place, in which I spend quite some time. Usually, these occassions take place during the time of the day at which I am either very sleepy - in the morning (I think Mr K will add "moody" as I am sure most of you, ladies, will understand) or exhausted after a long working day. And despite the fact that this space is full of my numerous beauty products - which certainly add an aesthetic touch to my bath time experience- it still misses that certain something - a girly element which screams: "this is a ladies bathroom, no male invasion is welcome!". Something that will cheer me up at any time and remind me of the beauty and joy of being a lady.

Well, thank you, Urban Outfitters! I think I might have found what I had been looking for and - almost - given up hope.

Hard to decide, but there's a subtle feeling the bow will win again.