Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Audrey a Roma

Aaaaah, what a shame I missed the tribute-exhibit celebrating "Audrey's Rome"!
In 2011, on the fiftieth anniversary of "Breakfast at Tiffany's" taking place at the same time with the Rome International Film Festival, the beautiful icon has been honoured in a special exhibit celebrating her time in the eternal city. An array of rare/never seen photos/videos/personal objects were part of it and it must have been a thrill!
Luckily, the content has been documented in a book Audrey a Roma, by Ludovica Damiani and Luca Dotti. I had the book in my hands - only to find out it was in Italian, which I do not speak. Rumour has it, however, that it is currently being translated in English, French and German, so - fingers crossed, ladies!

Eye Candy of the Day

Don't you just love these colorful Parks candles, looking like a tiny macarons box?
Parks produces 100% natural wax candles only and offers a laaaarge array of scents and packaging. I truly fell in love with this one - and definitely keeping the cute little box after using up the candle.
Check them out HERE!