Thursday, February 7, 2013

Stripy Friday

In love with these merino sweaters by JCrew!!!! I am sure they'll look fabulous with a pair of skinny jeans and cute ballet flats in bright color!!

Rue Du Bac

So I think I have already mentioned how francophile I am and how much I love Paris since my student days spent on the beautiful Île St Louis and Quartier Latin..I doubt that there is a better way to spend your time rather than stroll along the beautiful streets of the beautiful St Germain; drop my Les Deux Magots for their magnifique café crème; check out La Grande Épicerie for groceries; have a Tartare de Boeuf at Coffee Parisien.....One of my all-time favorite streets is in fact Rue Du Bac in the 7th.
So,  naturally, when I discovered this lovely collection of plates & other beautiful things for home bearing the wonderful name of Rue Du Bac I could not resist!!!